Dream: Clawhauser the Technophile

Ian R Buck
1 min readJun 28, 2016


In this dream I am Officer Clawhauser from Zootopia, but I am out on patrol in a pedal cart. A message comes through Slack from Chief Bogo telling me I have to stop live tweeting my patrols. That gives me an idea: I can live stream my patrols! I park and start fiddling with my phone, trying to figure out how to live stream in Slack. (Note: that’s not a thing. I should have opened Periscope.) Some old guy comes by and tries to swipe the phone because he is afraid of technology. I pull my phone back, and he wanders off muttering something about fancy new phones and chemtrails.

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Ian R Buck

You don’t need a parachute to skydive; you just need a parachute to skydive twice.